
Physiotherapy aims to maintain or restore normal movements of the human body, its "mechanics". It is particularly important in ataxia telangiectasia to fight against rigidity, muscular and coordination problems that develop gradually with neurodegeneration and amplifies it. .

Respiratory physiotherapy

It is surprising to find physical therapy as a cure for respiratory condition and chest physiotherapy in the range of care for patient with AT. But considering the one hand, that respiratory infections are common in AT and on the other hand, that expectoration and breathing are mechanical phenomena, it becomes logical to find physical therapy in the range of means to fight against AT.

The first interest is healing: the goal is to loosen the secretions from the walls of the airways and to evacuate them. But after the infection, it is also interesting to maintain lung capacity and, if aftereffects remains, to perform respiratory care maneuvers. The physiotherapist uses different techniques for this:

Most of these techniques are painless but generally impress young children who don't like chest physiotherapy. From the moment they can cough voluntarily, it is psychologically important to focus on the fun by involving them actively.

To prevent vomiting, it is better that the sessions take place either before dinner or after digestion. In addition, it is imperative to spit secretions that would emerge spontaneously: in addition to containing the pathogens causing respiratory infection, they can accumulate in the stomach and lead precisely to these vomiting.

Laughter is also an excellent maneuver to clear the lungs. If it does not work in depth, it is an excellent preparatory exercise for the respiratory session and will make it shorter. So make your kids laugh!

Finally, for a good day or good night, it is interesting to place these sessions either early in the morning or at night before bed.

Maintenance of mobility

There are two aspects in the neuromotor degeneration of ataxia telangiectasia:

It is this second aspect that will concentrate the work of the physiotherapist. He is the professional who is fully aware of the physical condition of his patient with AT. Besides the need for regular assessment in relation to the occupational therapist and the psychomotor, his action should focus on maintaining capacity rather than the correction of a defect that, if installed, will be virtually impossible to recover as part of this neurological disease. That's why the partnership with the physiotherapist must settle early.

On the first point, the therapist will try as much as possible to maintain the analytical and functional skills on the motor commands, balance and coordination in major motor functions.

As part of maintaining attitudes, the work shall particularly take place on:

Use of appropriate equipment

It is usually the physiotherapist who will decide when the patient need a support material for his displacements. He will then lead him to a doctor of physical medicine and an orthopedic and / or a podiatrist. It should be borne in mind that the purpose of use of equipment is not to correct but to make the prevention and increase patient comfort. Indeed, once the anomaly is installed, it is rarely possible to catch up and trying to do so at any price would mean to hurt the person.

When independence is gone, the role of the physiotherapist will be to teach the methods of transferring to the patient and his family and to maintain the patient's ability to carry its own weight to help them.